An inconvenient truth video which I saw it in the class with my teacher is very nice and Al Gore makes it interesting. So in this essay, I will give my opinion about an inconvenient truth video.
I think the video talked about the all reasons of the global warming which is a very important thing. It is crucial that people see it as an emergency and be ready to take an action. We must know the reasons and search for the solution. I believe we will find a lot of ways to help the environment and reduce the harmful impact of civilization on earth. The video show the rate of global warming increased dramatically with the time. Al Gore has explained the extent of the problem using virtual reality and high quality charts. Al Gore has alerted people to what might happen if this problem was not controlled, and how it might affect the lives of future generations. In my opinion, this movie is really worth watching and it should be available in educational centers like schools and colleges where people can get educated regarding global warming. I believe that people are willing to change their behaviors into more environmental friendly ones, the problem is that they do not know how much such behaviors are harming the environment, and they have not been offered other options that are less harmful.
I think its everyone’s responsibility to spread the knowledge regarding global warming. I do acknowledge Mr. Gore who used politics to serve the science and help serve the environment.